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TouchDesigner: HTC Vive Projection Tracking

I've seen videos online of Harvey Moon and Colin Parsons doing the most badass of projection things using HTC Vive controllers to track objects for realtime projection mapping. I wanted to try it. Lucky for me, good ol' Colin Parsons posted a starter file on his GitHub. (Linked below).


This was a first stab at it. The rotation was nearly dead on. But tracking through z-space and flipping it upside down gave me some real difficulty. I'll have to play more.


For the most part though - the native connection of Vive into Touch makes it an incredible resource for AR and the sort. I'd like to use the same stuff and push in another direction eventually. More so though, I'd like to try and do similar things using cell phone accelerometers if I can figure something out. You know, to keep things cheap.


Also, this was my first go at Camschnappr. It's pretty interseting. I'll have to play more.



Colin Parsons Git - Vive Mapping

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